About Us

Southern Alloy Foundries was set up in the year 1959 by Mr S. Thiagharajan, currently the Chairman, who is known as ‘Father of Ductile Iron’ in India. It was inaugurated by the then Minister of Industries of the State of Tamil Nadu, Sri. R.Venkataraman, who later went on to become the 8th President of India during the period 1987 to 1992. Sri. K.Kamaraj, the then Chief Minister of the State of Tamil Nadu, presided over the inauguration.
The production of Grey Iron Castings was initially started using Cupola. In the year 1963, we collaborated with the International Mond Nickel Company, UK to manufacture Ductile Iron castings as a part of our patented products. With an Electric Induction Melting Furnace from Sweden, SAF was the earliest in the country to have adopted it. On understanding the significance of charge calculation and weighing, we began using the modulus principles from the very first stage of casting manufacturing. This involved the liquid metal being tapped with a crane weigher to accurately measure the right quantity of metal required. We specialise in all grades of Ductile Iron castings, with 90% of the castings that we manufacture are of radiographic quality.

Contact Us
Factory Address :
Chennai – 600 110, Tamil Nadu, India
Registered Office :
117, Nelson Manickam Road,
Aminjakarai, Chennai – 600 029.
Contact Details :
E-mail : sales@southernalloy.org